Final golden wave

I was propelled back into the house tonight to fetch my camera – the last of the sunlight glowing on Goat Rock was simply stunning.  I love the spotlight effect on the hills.  It’s like a last wave goodnight before the sun disappears for another day. ...

Getting moody with my photography

“Take a photograph every day” is a common tip to improving your photography.  This is something I’ve rather got out of the habit of recently but want to become more dedicated about.  That and develop a stronger photographic style.  To do this I...

How 2009 has been full of adventure

I’m reading Monty Don’s Ivington Diaries, an account of his garden over the years. Best known as a gardener this is the book that showcases his writing.  He recaptures moments of time in his garden over a number of years rather than one year giving the...

What a difference the sun can make

Midwinter it may be but this evening I had that summer evening feeling.  That sort of content and satisfied feeling you get after you’ve had a great day.  For us here at Domestic Executive HQ that means sunshine and hard graft outside in the garden. This...

The sun’s beauty if not it’s warmth

There are few things that stop me in my tracks than a stunning sun set out the kitchen window.  It’s been a while since there has been such an arresting view.  This captivated me as the sun line spanned across the valley last Saturday – it was an awesome...