The day after I arrived in Wellington I comforted myself by buying a book and was captivated by the story of Julie and Julia.  It was this book that started me on the road to reading blogs and then to starting my own.  Since then this book has been made into a movie which I saw when I was in the UK and blogged about it at the time.

Although not that interested in French food I was captivated by the character of Julia Child played by Meryll Streep in the movie.  I had no idea at the time whether she was anything like the real Julia Child but I was still intrigued and vowed to myself I’d read the book about Julia Child’s life in France.

I read the book a few weeks ago and couldn’t put it down.  Julia Child is as captivating in print as her story was on film.  This was a remarkable woman who achieved so much in her life by following her passion in a most determined way.  Although she was undoubtedly an icon of her time the book and film about her life has inspired millions of women to follow their dreams.

blankThere was no quick fix to Julia Child’s achievements. It was hard graft, determination and a touch of luck.  If you’re looking for some inspiration then this would definitely be a good read.  You’ll learn a little about what it takes to write a best selling cookbook but more importantly you’ll learn ways you can make the most of life.