Simple pleasures: the 3 things rule

Simple pleasures: the 3 things rule

Even through the fug of a heavy cold and wintery weather it feels like Domestic Executive life is good.  For once I’m not feeling overwhelmed by the chores list, the work list and the nice to do list.  Perhaps my over achieving ways are starting to ebb away. ...
Winter’s moan

Winter’s moan

Seems my vitamin C regime for winter has been fooled by a nasty cold.  Yes, lurgy has descended upon our house, even the bassets seem to be sneezing in sympathy.  At least the winter cold has finally arrived and might at least do some good killing off the germs...
That’s what friends are for

That’s what friends are for

As if the nerves weren’t bad enough I found myself in a photography studio yesterday flying solo with equipment I couldn’t get to work.  My tutor was unable to drop everything and run to help me so my bulging file of ideas went completely out of the...


My photographic nerves have been a jangle all week.  Today is assignment day – flying solo in the photographic studio.  Having press ganged a couple of friends into being my models it’s time to do or die.  I don’t know who is more nervous –...