Even through the fug of a heavy cold and wintery weather it feels like Domestic Executive life is good.  For once I’m not feeling overwhelmed by the chores list, the work list and the nice to do list.  Perhaps my over achieving ways are starting to ebb away.  Or at least the ones that drive me crazy.  For the last few months I’ve pared back the amount of work I take on which has given me a day a week of breathing space.  It’s a luxury I know and I count my blessings.

There is no doubt that my old best friend – guilt – pays a visit regularly but instead of rushing from one thing to the next I’m finding space to think positively. To read, to potter, to enjoy the simple pleasures of life without the usually self imposed pressure.  I’ve even found time to strap on my running shoes again and get out for a little solo exercise.  It’s a bit frustrating that I’ve missed a few days with this darn cold but it is good to be out on the trails around where we live.   There is talk amongst some of my clients that we might aim for a competitive run, cycle and swim but I’m resisting the temptation to leap in and sign up as I know it’s a risk that it will become a means to an end rather than just enjoy the exercise for what it is.

I’m noticing with my coaching clients that more than ever people are discontented with life and their work.  It seems that the doom and gloom talk of economics, winter and gloomy future prospects for New Zealand is taking it’s toll.  When I talk to them about the simple pleasures in life they’d rather enjoy it’s amazing how soon they realise that with a few shifts in how they live can bring some, if not all, all of their aspirations to be real.   I get people to do/find/recognise at least three things a day that will bring them greatest pleasure and within a week they find themselves looking back and remembering the simple pleasures rather than the stresses and strains.  Give it a go – it works, believe me!