
We’re still waterlogged and squelch around under foot but  today I found raindrops I liked today.  It was like finding a thread of gold amongst a bale of straw. There was something magical about the way the drops of water just sat perched on a lone leaf...

Seasonal cuisine

One of the things that charmed me about New Zealand before we came to live here was the seasonal nature of food. It seems my fantasy of a fine upstanding country that would not be plagued by globalisation has been broken with the sight of strawberries in the...

Warm thoughts

Thinking warm thoughts it almost a full time occupation – it’s cheaper than heating and keeps me distracted from fretting about the cold.  We’ve had some glorious days this week with warm sunshine which has been such a joy making it bearable to cope...

A bright start warms up the chill

Knowing that it’s cold outside and venturing out takes a leap of faith – and a full Biggles style possum hat, thermal gloves, four layers of clothing and a fleece.  Pity the bassets only have their one fur coat to keep their extremities warm.  With the...

Fumbling with my fungi

Photography with cold numb fingers is like trying to walk when you have pins and needles. The mind is willing, the body appears to be functioning but you just can’t tell.  The bassets get impatient with me as I stumble and stall through my micro photo shoots...