Photography with cold numb fingers is like trying to walk when you have pins and needles. The mind is willing, the body appears to be functioning but you just can’t tell.  The bassets get impatient with me as I stumble and stall through my micro photo shoots but that’s just too bad for them.  I’m determined to keep my hand in with the daily snaps as much as I can as I’m still experimenting with my new camera and just as I think I’ve worked out how it operates it develops a mind of it’s own and I’m back down the learning curve.

This picture didn’t quite turn out how I wanted it – I wanted a little more of the top layer of fungi to be in focus but it really was hard to shoot in manual as my fingers were by this stage starting to fail.  Still, I like the colours and although the top toadstool looks ripe for picking up I tend to leave such things to more expert foragers.