It’s been a busy day for moving trees – well landscapers moving trees. I’ve taken a more executive role highlighting the tree planting plan in lots of different colours. There is method in my madness.

After a minor hiccup of placement because the new picket fence is not on the plan the boys started to motor along and get the large trees into place. They’ll be back tomorrow to complete the job and we’ll be left with a number of the smaller trees to plant up ourselves.

Although it’s hard to tell from the pics putting the trees in place do really give some shape to the garden and will look great when they grow some leaves back in the spring. Now the tree is in the roundabout we’ll have to start thinking about the under tree planting so that it doesn’t look quite so lonely!

As you can imagine Fortnum and Mason are loving having the landscaping boys back on site. It was a bit of a shock for them to see how much they’ve grown (that’s the dogs not the landscapers). There was some mutual admiration and much belly rubbing (again, it’s the dogs getting the belly rubs not the landscapers) during the coffee and lunch breaks.

Another small step for our small piece of paradise.
