With the excitement of elections it was good to get grounded again and see things in the right perspective.  Actually it wasn’t so I’ve decided that keeping my eyes on the horizon is the right thing to do.

At least when I do this I have some beautiful hills to look at. Country isolation.  Blue sky, clouds and the occasion rain storm.  Any of this is better than what’s on the ground right now.

What’s on the ground right now is this.

Yes, the pesky thistles are still here and growing like an adolescent boy.  They are getting taller and taller every day.  I did more this weekend but it’s not that you’d notice.

That’s because besides the thistles there is a myriad of other weeds growing to about knee height. I’m trying my best to see things from a more positive perspective.  Maybe if I look up the bank the weeds mightn’t look so bad.  You can at least tell I have taken the thistles out.

But whichever way you look at it there is an overwhelming amount left to get rid of!

So the goal for this week is at least an hour’s thistle harvest each day.  I aim to do this strategically to give some breathing space to the trees that are encased at the moment.  Also, we hope to have our new tractor mower by the weekend and what fun it’s going to be to be able to ride over the weeds.

Goal two is to stop moaning about the thistles quite as much.  They are a bi-product of us digging up the paddock to build so it’s nature’s revenge. Hopefully we’ll continue to have fine weather for my efforts – not too warm though having some soft ground is easier to remove the pesky thistle trees.

Wish me luck!