I’m getting nervous.  My vegetables are growing.  This is not the first time that I’ve grow vegetables but the first time I’ve worried about them.  After all this is my experiment kitchen garden to determine whether we should go the whole hog and build a potager next year.

As if I haven’t got enough to worry about with Christmas looming on the horizon.  A stack of proposals to be submitted this week.  And, my Christmas cards are still blinking at me from the desk instead of being in the mail.  Now I think about it.  Worrying about the vegetables is a good distraction!

So what’s to worry about you might be wondering. Here’s my list of top 5 worries.

  1. Water – it’s been real dry (although now it’s rained this week it’s improved the prospects).
  2. Wind – having lost a cauliflower already in the high wind I’m concerned that as they grow they become more vulnerable (I think a couple of stakes might be needed to stabilise the most fragile)
  3. Pests – I keep seeing those pesky white butterflies (I’m checking daily and nothing untoward yet – but you know what white butterflies means!)
  4. Knowledge – here’s the crux of it.  Although I’ve got more vegetable growing books than Amazon I still feel a total novice and worry that my carrots will get carrot fly and I won’t know.  My tomatoes need pinching out and I won’t know where to pinch.  My peas won’t make it up the poles (that’s if I’d put the poles there in the first place).  I think you can get my drift.
  5. Hmm, can’t think of another sensible reason.  Perhaps I’m just worrying unnecessarily!

I’m sure that my Dad will be reading this and thinking of some sage advice.

Like get a grip girl and get on with staking those tomatoes and peas!

Sage advice indeed.  Why didn’t I think of that?