This all might sound a bit strange after yesterday’s post about the erratic growth in our lawn but we’ve welcome relief on hand with the ultimate in boys gardening toys.  It’s taken a great deal of research, consideration of specifications, selection of brands and colours but it’s arrived.

Want to see.  Take a peak inside the barn.

Hmm, a trailer to help me with hauling those weeds and shifting that mulch. But no there is more.


A mini tractor to haul the trailer.  A ride on grass cutting tractor.  In order the ultimate in boys toys for the garden a ride on mower. It’s brought much excitement to our household.  The prospect of zipping up and down the garden to keep the paddock grass in check and helping with the heavy hauling is going to make those tough jobs I put off a breeze.  Here’s MT taking his pride and joy out for a spin around the drive.  Note the bassets are staying safe on their veranda.


It didn’t take long for the bassets to take a closer interest.


Or me for that fact!


It wasn’t long before the bassets got bored.


But I think it’s going to be a while before MT tires of this new boys toy.  But hey, if you recall the mowing challenge he faces who can blame him.blank

More tomorrow on it’s first work outing.