You know that feeling when you’ve completed a job.  A hard job.  A job that’s been a long and hard slog.  Something that’s used up lots of energy, brainpower and resources.  A job that you’d wished you never started but carried on till the bitter end.

That’s the feeling I had today wheeling my barrow up the hill.  To be honest I’m not really sure I had much feeling at this point. I was hot, very hot.  Weary and very much in need of a shower.  Enough said you get the picture I’m sure.

It’s done.  For the moment at least.  We can see the land without the long grass, weeds and thistles.

You might remember that I started this adventure weeks ago. If you don’t know the story you might want to read about how this all started – our thistle harvest adventure or Nature’s Revenge or Burn Baby Burn or when the reinforcements arrived.

To cut a long story short, we’ve gone from this……

To this……


Yup, we’ve cleared the bank.  We’ve dug every thistle and cut the long grass.  We can now see parts of the garden I didn’t know we had.

It was thick with thistles like this…….


But now they’re gone…….


See how clear (and steep) the bank is…….


It’s been a while in coming and it’s been one of the  most satisfying things to have done.  Despite the prickles, sweat and bruises.  It’s been worth it to be able to see a clear way forward.


I wish I could tell you it was glamorous work – this picture says it all I think!


But it’s been a team effort and for that I am really grateful. (My mother-in-law is not going to thank me for this picture but evidence is evidence!)


Even if there is plenty of debris to be burned I can’t help feeling good that the deed is done and you can now see all our trees.


Everything looks much much tidier


With a little help from this.  Our new and trusted strimmer.


I think we can safely say that it may be patchy, bumpy and a little like a field lawn we’ve achieved that affinity look I was hoping to achieve


Now we can sit on the veranda and admire an uninterupted view.


Throughout this landscaping endevour readers of my blog have encouraged and supported me.  This has acted as a real motivator to keep going so thanks to all of you that played your part.

I can guarantee you that whilst we’ll be getting thistles for the next 100 years we won’t be letting them get out of hand ever again.  We’ll be able to mow, strim and spray the regrowth as it comes and I look forward to those days!