Thank goodness for digital photography.  It’s instant memory gratification.  It’s also a brilliant means of sharing those memories with others who couldn’t be there with you at the time. I went a little over board with my breakaway photography though and have come back with 200+ to share!

Don’t worry I won’t do the complete slide show but I’m excited to be able to share the small part of New Zealand paradise and our adventures whilst we were there.

The Mahia peninsular is on the North East part of the Hawkes Bay area situated on the East side of the North Island.  It’s about 6 hours driving from home.  It’s real rural New Zealand with the closest cities being Napier is around 2 hours and Gisborne about an hour north. We were staying a The Quarters a cottage on a coastal farm.  It was a stunning location with a sea that stretches for ever – well until you reach Chile!

Fortnum and Mason made themselves right at home straightaway making the veranda their space to settle in the sun and watch the world go by.  There was plenty of sun to be had, so much so that the sunscreen was part of the daily routine (for the humans not the dogs!).

We were sharing this holiday with my best friend from England who has lived here in New Zealand for 14 years.  She’s not a great dog lover but we all rubbed up together in our laid back holiday mood.  Just to wet your appetite here’s a selection of views.  When I’ve finished the unpacking I’ll be able to get down to serious photoblogging over the next few days.

Thanks for your continued visitations whilst I’ve been away.  Looking forward to catching up with all the comments and see what you’ve been up to.

Views from top of hill towards Mahia Peninsular

The route to the hill walking

View from our sunset walk

Basset playground – Mahanga Beach

Bassets in view heaven – their favourite seat on the veranda