No need to clean your specs or adjust your monitor.  We’re in the mist and have been most of the day.  It’s been the sort of day that people with curly or temperamental hair should stay indoors.  Try as the bassets may to protect their hairdo it’s been a necessity to venture into the fine mist rain for a walk.

Fortnum was a little bemused by the white stuff that swirled around him this evening.  Or perhaps it was me dashing around grabbing the camera bag and insisting on stopping every two steps to check the view!

You see it started like this.  A wisp of mist catching my eye as I glanced out the back door this evening.

It looks harmless enough doesn’t it? Certainly the bassets weren’t too concerned but simply set off to sniff out the white stuff.


But down the valley things were gathering at a faster pace.


The mist swept into the valley and engulfed the peaks of the hills


And then the house was captured in the mist


And it chased us down the lane


And onto the road


And about now the bassets and I decided we’d had enough of the dank wet air and wanted to head home


Or in Fortnum’s case he wanted to lie on the damp grass and enjoy the cool wetness.  It’s been so hot some cold wet weather has been much to his liking.


Personally I like my cool and damp in a glass but I can see where he’s coming from.  Which is more than I can say for the red grass that’s populated the top paddock.