It’s been a slow day here at Domestic Executive HQ.  Not much sprinting around after yesterday’s body parts failure.  It dawned on me early on though that blogging about lying on the sofa was not going to be a great read.

No worries, I can trawl my photo stock and I’m sure I’ve got some beauties locked away in reserve.  Here’s what I came up with.


It was this or back issues of basset blogging which I felt had been over-represented this week.  Although the bassets are a daily fixture in my life there is probably only so much exposure you need to them.  Cute they may be but there are only so many basset poses one can soak up in a week.

This is one of my nature study pictures from Kaitoke Regional Park.  New ferns are pretty limited right now.  We technically moved into Autumn on the 1st of March so nature is starting to close down for another summer.  I fear that nature has heard the calling as it’s getting chillier in the morning and evenings.  We’re getting more rain and cloud but still random sunshine which is wonderful when it comes along. Daylight saving is not till next month so we’ll be able to milk daylight for a few weeks yet.

I was going to sow some carrots today.  It’s perfect weather – warm and damp.  It will have to wait for the weekend now.  I’m going to experiment with more scientific sowing to see if I can get a steady stream of carrots rather than them coming all at once in a glut. There are two final red cabbages to come out and be cooked for the freezer.  It’s going to be a nice potager weekend.

It’s time to renew the photographic stock too.  Hopefully we’ll be able to get back on the road and out and about this weekend.  It’s the Martinborough Fair this Saturday which is always good for a stroll around.  Hopefully my ankle will have completed it’s colour transformation and the swelling gone down so I can take the camera for a walk.

In the meantime, thanks for everyone’s comments on yesterday’s post.  I was encouraged by your view that I should skip the ironing and put my feet up.  Which is what I’ve done.  Thanks for that excuse to save the ironing to another day!