At last some blue sky and the possibility of a beautiful day. We thought we’d be adventurous and take a stroll into town. How hard could that be living on top of a hill and the prospect of a comfy bus ride home at the end. Not!

We decided to follow one of Wellington’s defined walking routes – The Northern Way – which runs from Johnsonville, via Khandallah, to Thorndon. After three hours of traversing the gorges in Ngaio, hiking the hills in Wadestown and moon walking down the Tinakori hill this was one stroll like no other! But, the effort was really worth it to see some of the most stunning views of the city on a crystal clear day.

You had to be there to realise the beauty but here are some of the pics from our admiring views.

The interislander ferry heading off to the Cook Straight past the local sailors on the Wellington Bay

Views across the port and the Westpac stadium

Classic Wellington housing – clinging to the side of the hill
