Our neighbourhood is growing.  At last.  To the relief of our neighbours their house is finished and they’ll be moving in imminently to take up permanent residence.

As well as it being nice their dogs will be really pleased that they’ll be around all the time.  Also, this will probably be light relief for their son’s dogs who have recently taken up residence under a tree in their paddock.  Fortnum and Mason are aching to make a closer acquaintance.


At first glance you may look at this and thing ah, poor dog.  But this is the house of a hunting/farming dog and that’s their home.  It’s all they’ve been used to and since this one is located under a tree they are shaded from the sun and sheltered from the rain.  They are perfectly behaved too, don’t bark like mad bassets just because someone walks past.

Anyway, our neighbours house is finished and I’m looking forward to sneaking a look inside.  I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunity but for the moment we have to satisfy ourselves with outside views.


I have to admit that this is a building combination I wouldn’t have previously imagined.  It’s all wood outside but outside it’s clad in bricks.  Or rather pseudo bricks.


It seemed to take an age for the roof to go on and then it’s been a rush to get to the finished article.  I’m sure it will be warm and cosy inside and they’ve positioned it to make the most of the views down the valley. I quite like the way that the house sits in the forestry background.


Most of all I like the fact that we have more residents to our little community.  Now there is only Doug, our immediate neighbour to get his house build under way.  I don’t think it’s going to happen for a while and certainly not this side of next Summer.