In June I switched Domestic Executive to it’s own freehold location and spruced up the decor.  Since then I’ve been planning a major refurbishment but first had to learn how to do the geeky things it requires.  I’m a few months from actually making this happen but wanted to see what my blogging friends and readers think.

As blogger you read a lot of blogs, well I do anyway.  It’s staggering to think how many there are. If you have a particular interest you’ll be able to find someone else who has that interest with a blog.  Generally speaking the more byzantine and obscure the topic the more likely you’ll find someone blogging about it.

There is no doubt there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of blogs being written by women.  If you’ve paid a visit to the Blog Around the World site you’ll see what I mean.  Anyway, back to Domestic Executive.  This started as a way of keeping in touch with friends and family and it’s developed over time into a passion and I love the fact I can write about those things I like and share my tales of day to day living.  I know people read it, the google SS tell me that, and many people comment (thanks guys it’s what makes it real).  But like a good marketer I want to know what people think about my handiwork.

I am conscious that the topics on this blog are pretty narrow.  Me, the dogs, the house, the garden.  I wish I could tell you that there is a load more going on in my life worth reporting but there isn’t.  Occasionally I foray to report on things outside Domestic Executive HQ but somehow they don’t sit that well, either with my reportage and to be honest they are not as much fun to write about.  The most successful blogs I’ve found have a clear subject and they stick to it not deviating it unless there is something exceptional to report.

In my blog laboratory I’m fine tuning what I think I’d like to publish and would love to know what you think.

  • Musings – my mutterings, reflections and my inner coach about all things that matter to me.  I’m not one for ranting (well not on my blog, and if I do not that often) but the notion of a journal for those life changing, high impact occasions.
  • Domestic Executive HQ – the usual roundup of happenings with the house, the garden and what we’ve been up to.
  • Pure NZ – aspects of New Zealand as we experience them.  This might be sharing trips, events and occasions.
  • Basset tales – how could I not include my fur babies.  They are worth their weight in comic adventure.
  • Artist in me – I wanted to be an architect but the thought of 7 years at University made me shudder (and my parents go pale) so I chose a different path.  As life goes on I feel the artist in me wanting to come out so I might share some of my projects, ideas or those things i find on the web that I think are cool.

So what do you reckon.  I’ve also thought about including posts on cooking for two.  I’m starting to get annoyed that I don’t have a recipe for a cake that is just big enough for two people for a weekend.  We are a two person household but we have recipe books that feed a small army and short of having the house full of friends and neighbours all the time I’ve got to find a way around this conundrum.  The chooks do pretty well from the left overs though it has to be said!

I got some useful feedback from regular family readers too about elements of the current design they find frustrating.  Although I’m not sure my web design skills will manage a special version for those particularly IT challenged but I’m keen to clean up and make it as easy to read and navigate as possible.  So, please tell me – colours, size of pictures, bling – whatever you’d like to see, or not see.  Or in the case of some people, anything to help them see it better ( I recommend changing your glasses first!

Anyway, please please do tell.  Leave me a comment or if you’re shy and you know my email address drop me a line. I can’t promise I’ll meet everyone’s wishes but I’m keen to know.  Then I’ll get mixing my web potions and see what I can come up. with.  In return for your anticipated feedback, here’s a dose of basset thinking on the inside of the gate concept.

Mason wasn’t sure whether he should or could escape!

Fortnum was contemplating whether to get up and even check out the gate


All things considered, the grass is greener on this side of the gate!  Quite literally…..  Look forward to hearing from you.
