Being an indulgent tourist is a truly wonderful thing, especially if you are being led by an experienced and knowledgeable tour guide.  Luckily for us we have a friend who is just that and we were treated to a stroll through Oxford streets in early evening as the sun was shimmering on the golden sand of the heritage buildings.  We were able to peak into some of the colleges closed to the public but still open to well connected friends.

I never tire of Oxford’s heritage.  I find it intriguing how the the city developed and amazed at how it continues to regenerate, whatever the cost.  Oxford has been a wealthy place throughout history and that hasn’t really changed. Those with money continue to invest its protection and development.

Oxford signs

I could have spend a whole day just wandering around with my camera but time didn’t permit.  We managed to whizz round and capture a few of my favourite spots.

Martyrs memorial, Bodlian and Radcliffe Camera

The trick to enjoying Oxford is to see it all.  Don’t miss bits or try and take short cuts otherwise you’ll miss out on some special gem.  Fortunantly Oxford City is a relatively small place but even so you probably can’t see it all in just one day.

Bridge of sigh

The thing about touring Oxford is the stories that are behind the buildings.  The small details that make the place really come alive. The gargoyles are a particular favourite of mine.  They were unveiling a new set whilst we were there designed by local school children.  How cool would bit be to have something you designed to sit on a building that will almost certainly be there for a few more hundred years.


A little like the streets of Shanghai I love to amble around Oxford and just soak up the atmosphere.  You can feel the history oozing out as you wander along.

Madgalen Street

I love the fact there are sculptures all over the place.  A testament to some important person or personification of some aspect of religion, arts, culture and education. They may be ostentatious but they have gravitas and I like that.


There is no doubt that Oxford takes itself seriously.  Rather too seriously I think sometimes but I can’t help but love the place.  I know I shall never get tired of it.


It may only have been a whistle stop to Oxford but I am so pleased we made the effort to recapture our memories and experience those things we loved doing when we lived close by.  But this is a place and for all it’s glory Oxford is a special place for the people for my friends who welcomed me back like I’d never gone away.  Now that’s something special.