Spirits have been high this week as the weather has improved. It’s not quite warm enough to ditch the pantyhose (kiwi for tights) but the sun is enough to warrant the window open and a lingering stroll to the train station to capture the air. If all continues it will be definitely time to step into the Thorndon Swimming Pool again (outdoor but heated!).

Surviving the corporate body is taking less energy each day. I’m wise to the personalities and the possie approach to management is giving me hours of amusement. It’s so rare to just have a meeting with one or two people, it’s important to bring at least 2 or 3 henchmen into the process.

Major successes this week include threatening the success of the largest IT development to support the biggest change in social security the country has ever seen. All because I’m not signing off a bunch of system generated letters which are an insult. Fortuantly despite the best efforts of the possie from the 9 floor to bully me into submission I stood my ground and in a Friday afternoon comedy had my position vindicated by three senior managers and a little whooping in our office to celebrate this small success. Childish I know but it’s not every day you grind probably the largest NZ public sector change projects to a halt. There is payback though – I’ve got to work this weekend to attempt to improve 65 of the 750 rubbish letters in the system. Good thing I’ve got a bunch of wordsmiths to help me on Monday to get them fixed.

So with weather improving, overcoming institutional bullying and a nice bowl of fries with my Friday night wine, it’s all good in Wellington.