It’s been an Executive Day in town today so I spent most of my day scuttling between appointments.  It was particularly unpleasant with the cold Wellington wind bearing down on you.  Although I had my camera with me I didn’t have time or inclination to take it out.  I know, lazing blogging, but that’s what winter does for you.

I’ve also been struggling to get my new laptop working properly for photography and blogging purposes so I’ve lost my blogging rhythm a bit this week.  You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve finally got the basics in place – around 20,000 images copied across.  This whole process has made me realise that I’ve got rather more photographs than I thought and unless I get a better filing and organising system most of them will just sit as data files and not be enjoyed.

So the challenge now is to catalogue the photographs properly using my new Photoshop package and then pull together some better viewing systems.   We constantly talk about getting some of the pictures I take printed but never do.  Also, we talk about getting all our hard copy photographs digitalised but never have.  It begs the questions why we take photographs if you don’t put them out to view.

With the cold of winter, the work commitments and an overwhelming feeling of my photography stock being out of control I decided I needed a little bright light to keep me going.  I looked back over recent photographs I’ve taken for practice and these sprang out as they were part of my sunny moment last week.  See, that photo stock has some positive aspects!

Seagull and sun

Looking these photographs made me realise two things.  Firstly that the sun makes and enormous difference to how I feel about the world.  And that photography is a brilliant medium to capture life in all it’s forms and make everyday or common things seem all the more special for capturing them in a moment.

Two gulls in the sun

Even if there isn’t a specific story to tell about the photograph itself, it sparks off all sorts of stories in my mind.  Comes of having an over active imagination.  Now see this gull looking out to the water – I wonder what it’s thinking.  Maybe it’s just enjoying the view or maybe it’s eying up something to eat.  Who knows, who cares.  It’s a moment of fun just to think what the stories might be. Beats engaging in real life stories that’s for sure!

Moody gull

This gull certainly seems at peace with itself and giving itself a bit of  preen.  Just goes to remind me I’ve got all those photographs to clean up and sort out.

Washing gull

But hey, that will be fun.  I’ll be able to relive all my memories and create some new stories to cheer me up as I labour my way through them all.

Smiling gull

I see this mammoth mission as a long term project that will keep me purposefully occupied during the many hours I’ll be spending on aeroplanes in the coming weeks as we head off on our big trip

Whilst I’ve not been taking a break from blogging it’s been a bit haphazard and not quite the authentic blogging I prefer to do.  But hey, blogging is a discipline that like others needs to be worked at.  The only plan I have about my blogging is that aim to blog every day.   When you’re distracted by new technologies and other interesting things it makes that challenge even harder.  But I’m back and raring to go again.

I wonder what new adventures there will be?