I thought it was time to spruce up the blog and since it’s been raining for most of today, here’s the fruits of my labours. Hope you like it. Still lots of tidying up to be done or I may even do a complete revamp but just like the house and land it’s a long term project that can’t be rushed.

It’s been one of those rainy rainy days that on one hand you’re pleased about because the water tank will fill up and a good watering of the new plants will work wonders. In the other hand with two puppies lounging around the house getting crankier and crankier you sort of wish it would stop raining so that they’ll go out to play.

The forecast for the rest of the week isn’t much better which I should complain about but I have so much planned outdoors this week I hope that the weather predictions are wrong and the sun will put in an appearance. I know that the farmers in New Zealand wouldn’t agree since they are desperate to break the long summer dry spell.

Did I tell you I’m on the web elsewhere? At last we’ve posted the Catapult Coaching brochure so if you’d like to snigger at my picture you can check it out. I can’t say business is booming as a result of this new marketing opportunity but I’ve certainly been busy in the last week. I’ve coached out first cohort of Catapult Leaders for this year which was fun and rewarding to see how people are getting on since they finished the programme.

A bit like the rain, I don’t think the scheduling for my work at home is quite right. It wasn’t as balanced as I’d hope between executive and domestic stuff so there’s going quite a lot of catching up to be done this coming week.