The New Zealand Met Service are advising people to wear at least 4 layers of clothing tonight to protect themselves from the storms facing Wellington with windchill factors that make an 8 degrees temperature feel more like 2 degrees.

I know but I can’t help it, I’m British. My obsession about the weather has not deserted me just because I deserted my homeland!

We’ve gone from drought to rain of monsoon proportions.  The Hutt Valley has had more than it’s average rainfall for the year so far.  Although I’m keen for a bit of water (you know the tank and the garden) but I’m truly fed up with wet paws, crazy chickens and wild dogs who are missing out on their outdoor fun.

We’ve had over 150mm of water this month.  Let me tell you that’s a heck of a lot. I’ve check the short weather forecast and it looks like more still to come. If anyone has access to the tap upstairs can you give it a twist and turn it off.  I’ve had enough and I want to enjoy the winter beach next week without this sort of view.

Just up the coast here’s what they’ve been enduring.

The view at MTs favourite store in town.


And now here’s the science bit.  Just in case you don’t believe me!

