The sky looked like a fireball this morning – or perhaps a blood orange or perhaps a sunburned mackerel. It’s hard to decide. It was rubbish timing for me to stop and photograph the full fire burning effect as his lordship needed to catch his train but I was able to watch the sky develop as the bassets dawdled on their walk.

Although the sky was a technicolour glory it was very chilly on the fingers and toes.  Basset undercarriages were drenched in dew.  It’s starting to feel very much like winter is setting in.

Officially winter is only 10 days away.  I can hardly believe that we’re almost half way through the year. I know I must be getting old as the pace of life leaves me standing.  Watching the sky change from pink and blue to brown and yellow it was hard to believe that it was the same sky.  Amazing how a different location and time gives a whole new sunrise perspective.

blankAs time elapsed the brown view opened up again to a pink and blue mackerel sky before the clouds broke up and a startlingly blue sky and warm sun shone through. A truly technicolour start to the day.
