I’m no night owl.  I’ve always been more of a morning person.  Able to leap out of bed to start the day. But not this morning.

Uncharacteristically this morning when the alarm went off I stuck out my hand to turn off the radio thinking “Aagh, I forgot to turn the alarm off last night” and then promptly snuggled down under the duvet to snatch some more shut eye.

MT demanded the radio be put back on so he could listen to the news.  It suddenly dawned on me it wasn’t the weekend after all but rather another work day.  I was gutted.

I simply wasn’t ready to get up and face another Executive Day.  If it had been a domestic day I could at least have started the day in a leisurely manner. But not today.   Today I had to be like the rest of the working population and get myself into gear and on the road to work.

It was a shock to the system.  And I wasn’t the only one who would rather I was staying at home today.  This is what I was faced with when I came out dressed for work.


Two bassets in the hall making a protest vote.  This was after all the second day in a row that they weren’t going to be allowed to hoon around all day at home.

No these were the faces of bassets who knew something was up and they weren’t keen at all on whatever was going to happen.


When you’re faced with two bassets like this it almost breaks your heart.  All you want to do is say “to heck with it, let’s stay at home and play boys”.


But alas playing at home every day won’t keep them in bones, toys and other miscellaneous basset luxuries.  These bassets have expensive tastes.


But then again, this might not be a basset protest but rather just their way of getting comfortable.  If it’s a choice of hard wooden floor, hard cold tiles or a nice piece of carpet I can see their point!


I rather think it was probably a bit of both.  A protest in comfort!

I know the feeling I’d happily have stayed under the duvet this morning and skipped work.  But I didn’t.  I managed to join the masses in the big city and conduct my business.  After all in these times of economic recession you have to take all the work whilst you can.

Only one more morning when I have to leap out of bed.  Then it’s the weekend when snuggling down for extended sleeping is very much going to be the order of the day!