There are some things that are best left to one’s imagination.  Some things just don’t justify a photograph paraded on the Internet.  Some things are intimate and private – even for a basset hound.

See this paw – it’s clean, sparkly clean compared to the rest of the animal.

The rest of the animal was so dirty, wet and smelly it was too much to bear and rapid action was needed.

Dirty basset paw

Action that involved a shower, warm water and plenty of soap.

Luckily we have a shower large enough to do battle with a basset hound in.  The bathroom is fully tiled so even basset shaking isn’t going to cause permanent damage to the decor.  You do of course have to take a scrubbing brush to clean up afterwards but the process of actually cleaning off the dogs is bearable.  If you don’t mind getting too wet yourself.

And the reason for this mayhem?

Playschool.  Day Care. Parking them in the local kennels.  Whichever way you look at it the reason is allowing basset hounds to free range and hoon all day long with their best friends.

When I’m working out all day the bassets are cared for by Karen at Alrona Kennels.  They are just at the top of the road and recently started offering this service.  It’s closer and cheaper than the other doggie day care place and most of all Karen loves having them and they love going there.

It’s starting to be their home from home.  They can happily play outside in a large run with other dogs to chase and play with.   The only thing is that now the weather is wet and wild you can be guaranteed that the dogs will come home covered in mud from running around outside.

I do wonder whether a concrete run would be better but that’s hard on the paws much more fun to roll around in the grass and muck. Or so the bassets tell me.

These bassets are never happier when they’ve run and played all day – have their dinner and can then settle into a long slumber till the next day when they start all over again.

No walk required on their playschool days as they probably exercise more with their playmates than a walk out with me.  They certainly have stiff legs and there is much stretching and occasional hobbles when their legs have settled and quietly seized up.

I know that feeling but increasingly I don’t have to do much physical activity to get that seized up feeling!