It was a big day for our basset boys – time for their snip. Given that they’ve been fighting a bit more than we’d like we decided to get them done sooner rather than later as it may help to calm them down. Also, Fortnum had a missing bit which needed to be found to avoid it turning cancerous.

They were very confused with more changes to their routine – what no breakfast this morning? I’m pleased to say that their op’s went well and Fortnum and Mason have official had their manhood removed. We found Fortnum’s missing bit (lost somewhere behind his leg) so that’s all good too.

They were very sleepy when I picked them up from the vets and generally feeling sorry for themselves. This got worse when they went into their bedroom to find that it’s been divided into two and they were being separated although they could still see and touch each other through the bars.

Still, the separation thing will do them some good and them being sleepy makes a change from them hooning around like demented puppies. Now we just need to get back on top of the toilet arrangements which seemed to go to pot since they came back from their holidays with their basset family in Woodville :O(

Fortnum cooling off his stitches on the floor tiles

Might as well go to sleep they thought since we can’t play……