Yesterday Mason learned a huge lesson in life. Don’t stick your snout where it’s going to get stung by a bee.

It was quite a traumatic morning all round, mostly for me.

I knew that something had got him when he keep pawing at his nose. Within a few minutes we were revisiting his weetbix and chicken necks. As I fretted over what was happening, Fortnum and Mason just decided it would be best to have a punch up over who was going to re-eat breakfast (puppies are really gross).

Anyway, to cut a long story short – swelling on Mason’s face was size of golf ball. He brought up the rest of his stomach contents several times and felt very sorry for himself. All I could do was ring the vet who didn’t seem overly concerned since he was still breathing and jumping around. I tried some ice in a tea towel to help with the sting. All Mason did was eat the tea towel.

By lunch time he was fine and back to his usual tricks.

I’m sure that the lesson has struck home though as this morning when we were following our usual snouting route and all of a sudden Mason deviated from the exact spot when he got his snout stung. See, he’s a smart dog!