I was waiting for the bassets to finish their sniffing today and noticed this lone tree up on the hill by Tunnel Gully.  I’ve been there so many times and never noticed it before.  Standing out like a sore thumb, tall and proud.

Isn’t wierd how you can go through life and not notice random things?

Like the way Mason puffs out his cheeks when he’s drinking water from the river.

Or how truly fed up the bassets look when they have to get back in the car after their walk.

Not a smile in sight – a definite down turn of the face.

That sad realisation that the walk is over and we’re going home

A wistful look of hope that I might stop the car, just for a moment, so they can leap out again.

Sorry bassets.  That’s just how it is.

There is more to life than running, sniffing and paddling in the water.  I can’t think what more that might be right now, but I’m sure there is!