More than once this week I’ve found myself being grumpy  OK, let’s be honest here, it’s been more of a case of Grumpy old Woman rather than day-to-day tired and grumpy state. Again and again I found myself being irritated by things that just aren’t the same as they used to be.  Or should be. Here’s a few examples.

  • why is it so difficult to find a “nice” birthday card? A card without a crude joke card or innuendo.
  • when did people stop waiting for you to leave a cafe table before they swoop in and take your seat?
  • at what point in time did it sales assistant in a shop stop “assisting”?
  • and doesn’t anyone who nearly knocks you over on the pavements stop and apologise any more?

In the overall scheme of life these are small and insignificant things but have to admit I’ve noticed of late that I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time grumbling in my head.  I mentioned it to a colleague of mine and she suggested it was just a sign of the times – the time of life that is.  The time of life where what’s actually cool isn’t to you and what you think is cool really isn’t to anyone else.   I guess I must have reached that age where the tide of evolution is turning and with it I am starting to be more like my parents or grandparents at their most uncool.

This has been a real wake up call and so I’ve vowed I’ll try to be more tolerant.  More modern if you like.  Is that or having to retreat further into living my quiet existence in the country away from the masses and curses of modern life with the obvious dangers of making the whole situation worse.

To illustrate my point, this is what happens to a cool basset when he loses his cool.  It’s just not a cool look!


