It’s just been way too exciting in the last 24 hours.  I’ve been making tea, serving cake and showing people around New Zealand.  Thanks to Debbie I’ve been delighted to welcome visitors from Blog Around the World.  Thanks to everyone who paid a visit it’s been wonderful to read your comments and give you a dose of blog crack back on your own site.

If you’re a late arrival from BATW you can get the full tour by clickety clicking here.  Or hang on for a special ride with my bassets today.

One of my daily pleasures it to walk my bassets Fortnum and Mason.  Theer’s always an adventure to be had when you’re out with them.  They change every day and just when you think their boot camp puppy training is kicking in they head off in into the depths of somewhere with me eventually yelling like a fish wife just like the training manual says you shouldn’t!

Anyway, Mason has come into his own a bit this week. He may be smaller in stature than Fortnum but is nevertheless a smarter dog.  Fortnum is such the baby of the relationship really and loves to know that Mason’s his friend and will resort to quite submissive behaviour to get his attention.  The picture on the top of this post shows a regular basset pose.

Here’s Mason on the charge.

Sorry for the quality of the following pictures (basset photoblogging isn’t easy I can tell you) but this is Mason now taking the lead.  If only they knew how funny they look when they run!

Here’s Mason in charge of sniffing.

Now biding his time for the move.

In for the grab on that stick

But it’s mine thinks Fortnum

Hah, that’s what you think says Mason

Or maybe we should just share.

I love it when they get to the share bit and the battle of the bassets is over.  Just like their life in the wideset sense. Plenty of competition for food, the big cushion, my lap on the sofa but when the chips are down they stick to each other like glue.  Brotherly love!