Given their behaviour recently basset blogging has been in abeyance for a while. This blog is dedicated to Leonardo, a declared basset blogging fan!

Fortnum and Mason are continuing to thrive. They are growing daily and their antics never cease to amuse (well apart from then they chew furniture). They are much easier to live with as they can settle down sometimes and allow you some peace and quiet to get on with things.

They are still on their gourmet diet – cereal and milk for breakfast with homecooked lunch and dinners. It’s been a battle to get them to eat commercial food but slowly they are eating it when it’s mixed in with their tastier home made meals. We’ve cut out the snacks morning and afternoon although they are still partial to a bone to chew. It will be a relief when it can just be biscuits in the morning and a meal at night – it will reduce the amount of floor cleaning needed (they smear everything on the floor) and mean that the our lives won’t require us to be on hand for midday feeding.

It’s hard to believe that our little cute bundles of fluff are growing into such big dogs. They are definitely two people lifting material now to get them in the bath or the car. However, when they bed down at the end of the day (around 7.30-8pm) they are as cute as puppies – until Fortnum starts to snore!

Bassets bounding up basset alley

It’s hard work all this running around!

“If I stick out my tongue do you think I’ll look cuter?”

blankBasset bone heaven
