Mind food

Mind food

After the earthquake all I wanted was a cup of strong tea.  My Good Samaritan and I scoured Christchurch goodwill centres for some hot water but alas we had to wait 24hours before that urge could be satisfied.  We were looking for that calming yet thirst quenching...
Being restful

Being restful

Tomorrow I officially move into holiday mode.  It’s a planned break and couldn’t have been timed better.  The roller coaster of life in the last two weeks has worn me out – physically and emotionally.  I can tell my batteries are flat when I...
Seasonal signs

Seasonal signs

I can’t help be disappointed that those autumnal signs are starting to appear. Darker mornings, shorter days and the pumpkins waving their bright colours around in the kitchen garden.  Whilst I’m up a shift to new seasonal food bounty I’m not ready...