Blooming colour

There are few bright spots outside right now with wind, rain, hail, gales, sleet and snow down south.  Welcome to Spring in New Zealand.  The daffodils are being battered down and the tulips blown away.  I did however notice a bright spot in our new garden bed with...

Two falls and a submission

A week or so ago I picked up the pace on my photography training and had a mentoring session with a local photographer.  We talked mainly about taking portrait shots so armed with some tips I wanted to try out I asked the bassets to model.  After all it was...

Retrospective intermission

Seems my tired feelings are now officially accounted for.  MT has kindly shared the lurgy he was suffering with last week.  With low energy, sore throat, a howling gale I’m taking it easy here at Domestic Executive HQ.  Not wishing to idle my time away...

Friday tired

It’s been one of those weeks that has passed in a flash yet dragged on forever.  I found myself running out of steam mid week making hump day (Wednesday don’t you know!) a marathon effort.  I don’t know whether I’m sickening but I’m...

Seasonal sickness

Bouts of overwhelming homesickness used to be a daily occurrence when I was a child living in boarding school.    We’d moved to live in Dubai and back in the 1970’s ex-pat kids mostly stayed in England for their education.  I think I used to torture my...