Personal reflection – is it all it’s cracked up to be?

I’m half way through my first major coaching assigment, coaching to members of a senior board on the results of their 360 degree appraisal. Its been a real eye opener to see how people have approached the session – body language has been fun to see how it...

Basset blogging: it’s a hard life being a dog

Given their behaviour recently basset blogging has been in abeyance for a while. This blog is dedicated to Leonardo, a declared basset blogging fan!Fortnum and Mason are continuing to thrive. They are growing daily and their antics never cease to amuse (well apart...

Oooh, those legs are going to hurt

With two beautiful sunny days we set to again this weekend to see if we could reveal more of our land. The main challenge was to clear the area where the fencers are coming to build the chicken run but MT couldn’t help himself to test out his mower again.The...

Domestic Executive tensions

Being a Domestic Executive is not always as simple as people might think. The dream was an idyllic lifestyle pottering around at home, doing a few chores and fitting in a spot of paid work occasionally.Seems that the pressures to complete both Domestic and the...

Sleeping with a rodent

Mus musculus – House MouseBloggers will remember that we discovered we had a mouse a few weeks ago and I invested in some mouse traps to try and catch them. Seems it didn’t work.At around 3am this morning we were woken by our Mus Musculus who was playing...