After all the blood, sweat and tears to clear up and organise the barn it’s a total pleasure to be in there.  Gone are the days when I take one step in the door and dump stuff wherever there was a space.  Now everything has it’s “proper” place you can wander around without cracking your shin bone or tripping up.

I spent a happy couple of hours this weekend using my new potting bench.  This was one of my father-in-laws woodworking projects and I am now a proud owner of the most solid potting bench in the southern hemisphere.  This bench ain’t moving for anyone! Made from leftover construction wood this baby is long and the perfect height for working at.  My days of being bent over a low table and the dog cages are well and truly over.

The weather has been perfect for seed germination.  I don’t think for a minute that I’ll have enough space for 3 dozen purple sprouting broccoli plans but I can’t bring myself to throw seedlings away.  I’m sure I’ll find a good home for them when the time comes.  So now we have three types of broccoli, two types of cabbage and a miscellany of other green goodies that will keep us going over the autumn and winter.  But for now my plant babies are tucked up in the warmth of the cold frame which is anything but cold right now.