It’s just as well I’ve taken photographs of some of our Spring blooms.  Without them  in my visual vault I might actually forget what Spring is all about.  We are once again in the grip of a southerly which makes it feel like mid winter instead of mid Spring.  There I was a couple of days ago worrying about sun exposure and now I’m contemplating whether the tingling in my feet is chilblains.

When it gets cold like this I try to keep positive and think warm thoughts but in truth I’m struggling with such optimistic thinking.  All I want to do is stay in the warm, snuggle with my bassets and drink hot lemon and ginger.

Spring flowers

The icy blast is playing havoc with the garden.  Some of our finest blooms have blown away.  For example, these tulips are now more.


This lovely clematis is hanging in there – for the moment at least.


Any blossom was blown away in a few days.  At least the Horse Chestnut blooms are made of sterner stuff.

Horse Chestnut

It’s just as well my vegetable growing plans are so far behind otherwise my seedlings might be in a very sorry state indeed.  Rumour has it that there is new weather front is due in from the north later this week.  I’ve been so disappointed with this stop start Spring, I’ve decided to go into hibernation until the sun comes out again.