I’ve mentioned before the kiwi ritual of morning tea. Well today this became all the more significant as my dear husband was due to host this morning’s office social event in honour of his birthday at this weekend.

So, I find myself elbow deep in muffin recipes late into the night and then up for a special early shift to make the rhubarb batch as fresh as possible. In the UK I’d dashed off to Tescos for cookies or pastries you’d never find me tie up with apron strings whilst still dressed in my PJs.

I’m pleased to say my efforts were rewarded with reports of the morning tea’s success. It seems that it’s become very competitive to do the home baking thing. I’m just relieved that birthday’s only happen once a year as I need time to recover from this new style of domestic responsibility.
Cakes have never been my cooking strong point since I hashed up the shortbread recipe in domestic science class at school. But, rather than look back I need to look forward and see this as a new opportunity to stretch my domestic-executive skills.

The thing that worried most is that people might think that when Martin came home with his jumbo cake size plastic box that they thought it was what he took to work with his sandwiches in.