It’s not been a basset friendly day. We woke up to drizzle and our evening constitutional to spy on Mike and Andrea’s house was in the wet too. But wow was it worth it to be able to see rainbow-rainbow. Yes a double rainbow.

Oh course this was just the time for the camera to tell us to “change the battery pack” so we couldn’t capture it on film so you’ll have to make do with a shot from the internet. You can find out all about rainbow-rainbows at

It was indeed a beautiful sight and we could see when the pot of gold was buried. I’d be lying if I said it was in our back garden but it was close enough! With or without a rainbow pot of gold you can’t beat our back view for sunsets. Tonight’s was a particularly vivid pink with fluffy clouds flying over the hills. It’s the sort of view that you simply have to put into your memory bank and think about on a bad day.

I’m not sure Fortnum and Mason appreciated the wonder of it all. They were trotting along trying to get back as soon as possible and get out of the wet.