Apparently there is only one thing worse than people constantly talking about their children, its people that talk about their pets. If that’s the case, then I have to plead guilty as charged.  There is no getting away from it this blog is littered with basset stories although I do admit that when reading through the archives there are some pretty repetitive themes. Dogs are creatures of habit so it’s hardly surprising to see some of their antics duplicated time and time again.  They have a pattern of life which is nicely ordered and that suits them just fine.

Their routines are now severely disrupted as I head up north to the homeland, the UK.  They won’t have had any idea that their little lives were to be so disrupted.  But these hounds are fickle in their affections and after a manic sniff around to trace my scent and reassured themselves that I am not in fact in residence they will then have settled down on the sofa as if nothing had really changed.

Meals will still arrive. Walks will still be had.  Sniffing will continue and play dates with their day care kennel buddies will carry on as usual.  I’m sure that the fact that I’m missing from most of these adventures will not bother them at all.  I will of course miss my constant companions and our routine.

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I shall miss that pitter patter of podgy paws around the place.  The head spins that blast out slobber.  Most of all I’ll miss that constant whine, howl or bark that would otherwise drive me crazy and they crave my affection.

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By the miracles of internet technology I’ve just done video conferencing home from the transit lounge in LAX.  As if to prove my point the bassets weren’t interested at all in talking to me.  Much more interested in looking out the window and enjoying the sunshine which seems to be bathing Wellington.  I’m off now for a cup of what the American’s call coffee (although does not resemble our NZ brews) before re-boarding the plan onwards to London.  Another chance to become reacquainted with my laptop entertainment centre.  Or, perhaps my Kindle.  Or my book.  Oh the choices are almost limitless.  Isn’t modern travel marvellous!