Our Bassets, Fortnum and Mason, are worth their weight in comic value. I’ve not laughed so much in years. I can watch them for hours at play which is pretty rough and tumble – well they are boys.

Play is how puppies learn and my boys are no different although I think that they think that they are cleverer than they really are. After all the cunning sideways glances to pretend that they are not playing any more only to then swing around and leap on top of each other is pretty transparent to the human eye but they just love to surprise each other.

Hooning, is a traditional kiwi youth pursuit where you hoon around in your car making as much noise as possible and drawing attention to yourself. Bassets like to hoon but without the car. Generally speaking this is after they’ve eaten, done their business and are refueled and comfortable for more play. Hooning hour in the evening can be quite exhausting at the end of a long day but boys being boys there is no stopping them.

What’s funniest of all is that just like cinderella at the witching hour, around 8pm every evening our puppies are just pooped out and flop into their bed and snooze the night away until its time to start playing again in the morning. Not a bad life eh!

Ready to pounce!

Got ya!
It wasn’t us, we didn’t do it!

Same game, different place.

This time with a stick!

Mason – having grown to 9.6kg (2kg since he arrived)

Fortnum at 12.3 kg (3kg more)

Up to mischief with their dog house