Holiday starts

Even with my flexible laid back lifestyle I still get a thrill knowing that the alarm won’t be going off to get us out of bed.  Those dulcet tones of Radio New Zealand bring forth the day with news in the world are something that are going to have to wait...

Blasts of winter heat

The blast of frosty but bright clear days has brought much needed cheer around Domestic Executive HQ.  We’ve had some true Shepherd’s Delight sunrises which make your heart swell with the prospect of some much needed sun.  We’ve made the most of...

Bright winter blues

Crisp morning air and blue skies again today heralded another sunny but chilly day in paradise.  These are fast becoming the best parts of the day. Closeted in my office there is no time for lingering outside but I do enjoy the time before the phone rings.  Time to...

Skies of fire to keep us warm

Like the wonderful sunrises the sunsets have been wonderful.  Well they were last week.  Today, it’s hard to see anything off the veranda since it’s dark, cloudy and cold enough to put the heating on.  I love the warmth of this picture and the fact the...

Rapturous morning

With autumn upon us the morning skies are rapturous in their applause.  The light is bright and golden and crying out to be photographed at sunrise.  The only way I could capture this moment before it disappeared was to hang out of the living room window. ...