A World of Your Own

My youngest nephew has a range of nifty tactics to prolong bedtime. This includes pulling out more story books, showing me his latest Lego invention or giving me lessons in Minecraft. Kids of all ages can create a Minecraft world but even with the expert advice of a...

The Lunacy of it All

Admittedly the jet lag can do strange things to your mind and body but riding the London underground from Heathrow into North London was an adventure of lunatic proportions. People spilled into the train at every station and 30 minutes into the hour-long journey some...

Lighting up the @Domesticexec Twittersphere

When you head south to New Zealand airports shrink in size. It takes a few minutes to land and arrive at your gate. Not so in bigger cities of the world. It can take ages to taxi to your appointed parking space. In Los Angeles it took 25 minutes due to airport...

The Age of Connectivity

Being well-connected has different connotations these days. No longer is it about who you know the extent to which you are able to communicate with who you know. Today’s smart phones gives you powerful connection in the palm of your hand. Not to mention a camera...

The power of professional decompressing

Work wise it has been a busy few weeks. The usual pre-vacation rush to tidy up loose ends and pack in as many appointments as possible. As much as I love what I do for a living there is nothing more satisfying than switching on the “out of office” message for any...