Just for Ruth: a chicken coup to go with the book

When I was a kid I always used to be slightly embarressed that my father was capable of over engineering most things. For example, we couldn’t just have a rubbish bin – it had to be a grit bin which was one of the products that we manufactured in the...

Residential definition

It’s been months since I started my search for a fencer and after a couple of false starts with two people I finally found a fencing contractor that would come to take our hard earned cash.Hugh and his mate finally turned up a week late but in a few short hours...

Oooh, those legs are going to hurt

With two beautiful sunny days we set to again this weekend to see if we could reveal more of our land. The main challenge was to clear the area where the fencers are coming to build the chicken run but MT couldn’t help himself to test out his mower again.The...

A man and his mower

Last weekend MT set to with his new lawnmower bought in the sale. It’s not quite the ride on mower he dreams about but with a lawn that’s refusing to grow and thistles growing on most of the land we figured it was too soon to be investing the amount of $s...

Slow progress for Mike and Andrea

It’s hard to see from the outside the progress inside on Mike and Andrea’s place. There aren’t many white vans visiting that often so you have to wonder how much progress is being made. From the outside some stone cladding has gone on but the main...