Kitchen Reader: A Moveable Feast

Kitchen Reader: A Moveable Feast

A return trip from New Zealand to the UK means you are cocooned in dimly lit aircraft cabins for over 40 hours. After eating and sleeping time you are still left with what can seem like interminable hours to fill. The secret to enjoying rather than enduring long haul...

Travelling Foodie

In the 8 years I have lived away from the UK there has been a revolution in the foodscape of the UK.  Knowing that I love good food, friends and family have indulged my gastronomic interest giving me many highlights on this trip. The supermarkets, high streets and...

Culture Vultures

Although technology is certainly a marvellous thing, you’ve got to hand it to the cultural philanthropists of the 19th century who established galleries and museums so the wider public could gain access to antiquities, artworks and knowledge only before available to...

Staying In Touch

It’s a marvel of ingenuity and engineering that I was able to send a short video home to @m_treanor of what I was seeing from the train window within seconds just using my iPhone. He then messaged back immediately with his response. It wasn’t anything...

The Costs of Retail Therapy

New Zealand retailers and I have a love hate relationship. Mostly, I just love to hate them. Even though logically I know that living in one of the most remote places in the developed world with only 4 million consumers makes it impossible to sustain markets like they...