Sit awhile

Most of my days I spend thinking. Churning over plans, ideas, problems and endless to do lists as I potter on with my chores.   Even in the middle of the night my mind keeps working, it’s an annoying habit I wish I could break.  I have high hopes that the...

Compost corner

It is 147 steps from the kitchen garden to the compost bins.  Try doing that with a wheelbarrow laden with composting materials.  I have and after a year of uphill staggering I’ve had enough.  Pushing the barrow, often losing half of the contents as I travel...

Alternative picnic loaf

It’s been all go, go, go here at Domestic Executive HQ.  With a house full of cooks and a pile of cookery books the kitchen has been busier than Picadilly Circus. That said, my mother-in-law plucked a recipe from the free supermarket rag that I would normally...

Culinary bounty

Seems that being a little more traditional about my garlic planting may have reaped benefits. I planted the cloves soon after the shortest day as tradition prescribes and within only a few short weeks progress was good but I still didn’t want to get my hopes...


Today is the last day of holidays in our household so tomorrow we’ll return to our more normal routines.  Earlier rising will be one of the hardest things, that and quitting the holiday eating regime.  I’m lucky enough to be able to be flexible in the...