Boys will be boys

The deadline for my portrait photography assignment is looming and I’m woefully short of photographs to submit for critique.  My resident models seem reluctant to play along despite my best efforts for them to look at me and smile nicely to the camera. Instead...

Pasta war

Listening to the Radio 4 Food Programme Podcast a few weeks ago I was enthralled by the economics of durum wheat and pasta. Seems there is a shortage right now and the main pasta manufacturers have cornered the market.  You need a dry hot climate to grow durum so we...

It’s THAT time again

A guy I used to share an office with in London used to go bonkers when John Lewis opened up the Christmas department.  Bonkers in an excited child way.  He’d have the date in his diary and then take long lunches to coo over tinsel, baubles and other Christmas...

Kitchen mastery

There is something of a culinary power struggle developing in our household.  Like a true gentleman, MT stepped up to weekend catering duties some time ago.  This means that I get a couple of days off cooking meals and he gets to flex his chef muscles without...