Lost in basset land

It brought terror to my heart when I lost my bassets in the bush.  They were there one minute and gone the next.  For bassets that can move at snail pace they can move remarkably fast.  To this day I never know what the bassets were thinking when they high tailed...

Big view to start the day

Taking walks along the coast when my in-laws lived in Spain there was always lots of chatter about how we’d like to live front line.  In other words looking over the sea unfettered by other properties.  I may not live on the coast but we most definitely live...

Travelling away

Travelling light is an alien concept to me.  It doesn’t matter where or when I’ve travelled in the world I always seem to wind up lugging a dead weight of luggage around with me.  My overnight trip to Auckland was no exception although this time is was...

What makes a basset walk so entertaining, or not?

When you become a basset owner you should be supplied with some saintly essence.  A small bottle of smelling salts that when sniffed as required you develop patience on demand.  Failing that you must develop a level of patience to survive with your sanity intact and...

Being too busy

Being too busy has been a big trend in my work this week.  And not me being too busy but rather those people I work with.  It is most definitely one of the biggest topics of coaching conversations – how people can be less busy so that they can do all that they...