When the vegetables go wintery

Elegance and timelessness are what spring to mind about black and white photographs.  They have a depth of view that colour photographs often don’t convey.  Converting colour photographs from colour to black and white digitally can often bring a crispness and...

End of week contemplation

I like to see Friday’s as a decompression chamber.  The day when you start to wind down and clean up before relaxing into the weekend.  Today was the first Friday in a while when I’d recaptured that notion rather than still be hacking away at work in my...

Fowl hopping

It was a complete state of confusion when I let the chickens out the day the frost came.  They ran out for their breakfast and were shocked to find that their pen had turned into a chiller.  There was much standing on one foot before they all finally relented and...

The food of the good life

On damp weekends in the UK on occasion we used to take comfort in one of our favourite home stores.  Not only could I salivate over tiles, paints and bathrooms I could dream about owning the Rolls Royce of cookers – an Aga. I fantasised about baking bread,...

Deep frost brings new sniffing possibilities

A deep crisp frost is a beautiful sight.  And that’s about as much credit I can give a cold snap.  It is otherwise a dangerous and destructive force.  I dread to think the damage it has done to my beloved vegetables.  I know it’s added another layer of...