Sunday harvest

It’s amazing what you find when you lift a few leaves in your kitchen garden.  Today I found two cucumbers and three courgettes ready for picking.  More beetroot were bursting through to the surface so I whipped them out as well.  All of these will be making...

A whole new outlook

I rest my case with Little Basset. He has been eyeing up the new garden bed every since the landscapers arrived.  For a dog that loves soft sand and soil it’s like his birthday and Christmas has arrived all on one day.  The fact that the bed is raised and he...

Beautiful blue day

An affirmation used by Wellingtonians to get them through the cloudy, wet and windy says is to remind ourselves that “You can’t beat Wellington on a good day”.  These good days have been few and far between this summer so with the sun up and few...

Basset love on the run

This is what little basset thinks of me taking his photo when he’s on the run.  What a charmer.  I’m still trying to master the camera working in the darkness of the forest where my new lens makes it much more possible to work in the low light...

Pea surprise

This time last year we had scoffed our pea crop so I was imagining another flop crop this year.  But lo and behold it looks like we might be in luck for a special Easter treat this year.  There’s nothing like a bowl of fresh peas although I have plans for a...