Sun, wind and pies – a perfect Sunday combination

We’re making a renewed effort to get out more.  It’s so easy to get ensconced in our own little world that it does require a little effort.  I could happily potter on in my little bit of paradise but that would make life a little predictable and my scope...

Cake Dear? How to make the most of weekend baking

There is nothing my husband loves at the weekend more than a cake with his afternoon tea.  Over the years we have moved from buying cakes to making cakes.  And now it seems that he has decided that cake baking is now within his weekend domestic duties.  I’d...

When nature brings natural disasters and wierd goings on

New Zealand is in the grip of freak winter weather right now.  Whilst we are bitching and moaning about how cold, wet and windy it is I can’t help but keep thinking of the people who have really been affected by nature. This last week or so has been a testing...

Something good about raining heaps

Lake like puddles are forming on our drive with the miserable proportions of rains we’ve had this week.  The are is one good thing about having puddles and that is the special visitors that pop by that might not otherwise do. It’s always nice to see them...

How executive life never changes

I expected work to be busy upon my return to New Zealand but I’d not really prepared myself for that eventuality.  A pretty full diary of work and heaps of sorting out to be done has meant I’ve been playing rather more executive than domestic in the last...